Wallington P.S. Newsletter Term 4 Week 1 2024


Principal's Report

Dear Families,



Welcome to the new term and to our new website! As you will notice, the school’s website has been redeveloped and relaunched over the holidays. Our website will be added to in time, with the intention to define and clarify our practices to support strong parent-school partnerships, promote all that we are proud of about our school, and share with the broader community what makes Wallington Primary School so special.

We have so much to squeeze into the 11 weeks and we are hitting the ground running with exciting events beginning from next week. The Prep – 2 Marine Discovery excursion will take place next Monday, with the Garden Club Open Day (with coffee van) on Wednesday morning and Working Bee on Friday. Coming-up in the next few weeks are our Wellbeing Day and STEM Showcase and Games afternoon for families, and a Special Halloween Lunch Day. A little further down the track are the 3/4 Camp and P - 4 Swimming Program. And before we know it, we will be into end of year celebrations and Year 6 Graduation! Keep an eye on the Compass Calendar, Newsletters and Compass News Feed for all the information about these dates and events (plus more!) as we continue to make the most of all opportunities to learn and have fun as a whole-school community.



Many will have noticed some further works to the front of the school over the holidays, with the installation of permanent safety bollards and designated pedestrian path as well as the new sign over the front entrance, featuring our SWPBS mascots, Karko, Echo and Possy. A huge thank you once again to Joel Henderson and Josh McDonald for donating their time, resources and expertise to continue improvements to our school grounds and facilities. Also, thanks to Bellarine Signs.



Just another reminder that we will be running a Working Bee after school next Friday 18th October. Any assistance is welcome and will be much appreciated! As per the Compass News Feed item earlier this week, all help is welcome. Please bring along any garden tools you might have — in particular, rakes, shovels and wheelbarrows would be much appreciated. Every little bit helps, and we would love to see as many faces as possible!



Educating our students about how to stay safe online has become one of the most important responsibilities we share as a community. Just as we teach children how to cross the road safely—beginning with close supervision and gradually releasing responsibility as they gain confidence and understanding—we must guide them through the complexities of the digital world.

The Department of Education provides resources, guidance and links to support parents and carers (click here for Factsheet), as we help our children develop the skills they need to navigate online spaces confidently and securely.



Friday 25th October

We are very much looking forward to our upcoming SWPBS Wellbeing Day and STEM Showcase Afternoon for families!

During the day, students will celebrate our revitalised School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program by engaging in wellbeing activities and modelling our values and expected behaviours. Students are invited to dress-up in the colours representing our school values:

Respect - Blue, Responsibility - Green, Resilience - Pink.

After School (3:20pm – 4:30pm), families are invited to attend a STEM Showcase in the Art Room and Hall, and to take part in Games and Activities on the oval. The P&F will also have some afternoon tea. It would be amazing to see as many families as possible join in the fun!


Cameron Edwards


SWPBS Awards - Be Responsible

Harper M - Prep T

For always challenging yourself and persisting with your writing. You continue to add more detail to your sentences each day. Keep up the good work!

Arden K - 1/2C

For taking learning risks in writing and sharing what you know about Arctic animals.  Keep up the great work Arden!

Koby J - 1/2S

For showing resilience this week when forming the letters a, c, and d. Well done Koby and keep up the great work.

Aurora B - 1/2MD

For for showing resilience when learning. You are choosing the challenging tasks and taking positive risks. Keep up the great work!

Zeni B - 3/4G

For challenging yourself with your writing and using your senses to write an engaging and descriptive beginning to a narrative.

Aubrey B - 3/4T

For showing enormous growth in your approach to maths this week. You went in into the learning pit and came out stronger. Well done Aubrey!

Brylee P - 5/6A

For showing resilience by persisting with tasks, being patient, and trying new things with a positive attitude. Your determination is truly admirable. Keep up the great work!

Victoria C - 5/6KT

For your resilience during maths. You were in the learning pit learning about the Cartesian Plane and worked really hard to understand the concept. Keep up the hard work, Victoria!


Parents and Friends


Friday 11th October            P&F Meeting 9am in School Hall

Wednesday 16th October Garden Open Day / High Tea

Thursday 24th October Orders close for Term 4 Special ‘Halloween’ LUNCH

Monday 28th October Orders close for Mango Fundraiser

Thursday 31st October Term 4 Special “Halloween’ Lunch Day

Saturday 9th November Paint & Pizza


Come explore the beautiful gardens that the children and Garden Club have been creating.

A Coffee Van will be on-site and delicious nibbles will be available.


A fun ‘Halloween’ lunch from Bakers Delight will take place on Thursday 31st of October.

QKR orders close on Thursday 24th October.


It's that time of year! Mango Season. Pick up Date TBA.



Add this into your Calendar for a fun parents night.


With activities, events and news by joining our Facebook Page “WALLINGTON PS PARENTS AND FRIENDS”


Next meeting will be on Friday 11th October 9am in school hall.


STEM & First Nations Studies


Wallington PS Sponsors

Thank you to our PLATINUM Sponsors

Thank you to our GOLD Sponsors

Thank you to our SILVER Sponsors

Thank you to our BRONZE Sponsors


Notice Board

School Savings Bonus Reminder

In Term 4, 2024, families with a child enrolled in a government school from Prep to Year 12 in 2025 will receive the one-off $400 School Saving Bonus.
The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks.
The School Saving Bonus is not available for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.   
Actions for parents and carers
Before 18 October 2024, the Department of Education is asking parents and carers to:

  • Complete enrolment: If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025, or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025. For more information, read about Enrolling in School

  • Check your contact information: Ensure your email address and phone number is up to date with us. 

We need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:

  • in October, to verify your email address

  • in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus and access to an online system.

Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, download the School Saving Bonus Information sheet for government school parents and carers or visit https://www.vic.gov.au/school-saving-bonus

Notice from DCS (Uniform Suppliers)

Kindly be informed that DCS will be closed for the upcoming Cup Day long weekend -  Monday, 4th  & Tuesday, 5th November 2024.

Notice from QKR

On Saturday 28th September all QKR Stores and Apps will be off-line from 6am until 12midday for scheduled maintenance. Apologies for any inconvenience.

CHESS for Schools

Please see below the details to register for CHESS coaching held during second break on Mondays in the Library.



Wallington P.S. Newsletter Term 4 Week 2 2024


Wallington P.S. Newsletter Term 3 Week 10 2024